
作为数学家和研究者, 凯文使得是几何测量理论研究的前沿. 通过他在华盛顿州立大学的研究小组的发现, he hopes to advance applications of these theories and develop new methods to extract information from sophisticated data. 正如凯文所描述的, “my corner of the universe concerns challenges faced by scientists and analysts due to the increasingly overwhelming data sets they are presented with.”

在大学里, Kevin and a research partner have also created the Data Challenge Cooperative to develop a sustainable interdisciplinary research and education environment.

Kevin joined the university’s mathematics department from Los Alamos National Laboratory, 他在哪里建立了他的第一个研究团队. Kevin’s work has been published extensively and he also is a frequent presenter at conferences and workshops.

像许多原创思想家一样,凯文有着广泛的兴趣和经验. 除了他目前对几何分析的深入关注之外, 他在许多其他领域学习和工作过, 包括激光物理, 物理海洋学, 微循环生理学, 工程的各个领域, 小提琴的表现, elementary education and design and construction of things from bookshelves to buildings.

凯文还悄悄地扮演了人道主义者的角色. In addition to funding a mathematics library and student book fund at 沃拉沃拉大学, he has helped Walla Walla students secure internships at Los Alamos and admission into the Washington State University graduate program.

He has a special interest in helping talented students facing difficult situations, 这是他作为一名大学生所面临的情景. 在高中和大学期间,他的父母都因病去世了. He says he was able to overcome these obstacles with the support of two college professors.

凯文在忙碌的职业生活和陪伴妻子贝娅塔的时间之间取得平衡, 他们的儿子, 利瓦伊, 和狗, 奥比.


年发行量6200万份, there’s a good chance a 科菲通信 publication has reached your mailbox or even your computer screen. 作为科菲通讯公司的首席执行官, 艾伦·科菲 has developed the company into a leading health care publisher known in the industry for focusing solely on health care.

科菲通讯公司出版出版物, 网站, and other 沟通s products and services used by hospitals and health plan companies in 42 states. 近年来, Alan’s entrepreneurial and competitive spirit has driven the company’s growth in expanded product lines, 包括为客户提供的在线规划和制作工具, Web服务部门, 以及一套包含健康信息图书馆的网络产品, 健康提供者目录, 电子通讯等等. 科菲通讯公司总部位于沃拉沃拉,拥有160名员工.

Alan takes great pride in continuing the growth of the company founded by his parents. Cecil and Barbara Coffey launched 科菲通信 in 1975 as an advertising and marketing agency. In 1983, the company began focusing on custom health care publishing after Cecil saw the need for an authoritative health publication that hospitals could easily customize for their own communities. 

艾伦从家族企业创立之初就一直在工作, taking leave only after graduating from 沃拉沃拉大学 to attend law school in San Diego. Alan’s sister, Jane, is now the company’s chief operating officer and his mother is semi-retired. 1992年他父亲去世后,艾伦接任了首席执行官的职位.   

作为领导者, Alan’s generous and supportive spirit fosters employee teamwork and a sense of family throughout the company. 科菲通信

艾伦不在办公室的时候, 他喜欢和妻子在一起, Sherilee(格), 一个1991年的传播学毕业生, 和继子, 赛斯查普曼.

DeLona Lang Bell

如果有人对她的工作充满热情,那就是德罗娜·朗贝尔. DeLona’s grasp and understanding of the power of words and visuals has driven her success in the fields of marketing and 沟通.

Whether it is an advertisement for Providence’s Medical Group maternity services or an annual report for a multimillion dollar corporation, 她的工作在通信信息和商业策略方面都很出色. 仅2008年一年, her work received top awards in three national and international industry competitions. 然而, DeLona将是第一个把功劳归功于她在CM Bell的创意团队的人, 她和她丈夫的公司, 迈克尔, 成立于1997年. 该公司, 总部设在大学广场, 提供市场推广服务, 沟通, 商业技术.

DeLona的客户主要来自教育和医疗保健领域, 她所投身的事业. 咨询客户时, 她在市场营销方面有多年的实际经验, 惠普公司的策划和通讯职位, 普罗维登斯医疗集团, 以及沃拉沃拉大学, 这是她最早的雇主之一,她现在认为这里是家族传统.

就在去年,校友会表彰了德罗娜的母亲, 乔伊斯, 成为年度杰出校友之一. 德洛娜的父亲梅尔文(Melvin)曾是世界大学的教授和管理人员多年.

德洛娜和她的丈夫迈克尔在学生时代就结婚了. 今天, 他们的儿子, 基督教, 是历史系学生, 还有他们最小的儿子, Miles-Erik, 明年会成为沃拉沃拉大学的新生吗, following in the footsteps of his parents and more than 20 relatives who are Walla Walla alumni.

DeLona’s gratitude to her alma mater has inspired her to be a tireless advocate for 基督教 education. Currently, she is serving on the boards of WWU and Independent Colleges of Washington.


在印刷技术领域, 里克Schmactenberg is leading innovation as a senior executive at Xerox Corporation.

In 2007 Rick was named senior vice president of Consumables Development and Manufacturing Group.  He is responsible for research development and global manufacturing of Xerographic and Solid Ink consumables. 里克负责调色剂的开发, 光感受器, 中间传送带, 打印墨盒, 静电照相充电装置, 熔化炉, 固体油墨打印头和油墨.
在一起, Rick is responsible for seven research and development centers and 20 manufacturing plants located on nine sites in seven countries.

为施乐办公集团提供全球制造服务, 他在哪里负责质量, 一般办公室打印机和多功能设备的成本和交付.

2003年,里克被任命为施乐研究员, 他拥有许多专利和制造商业机密.

“Manufacturing Technology Leadership Award” for his work on commercialization and high-volume manufacturing of Solid Ink print heads.  在美国泰克, the success of his team developing of color printer products led to the purchase of their division by Xerox in 2000.

里克大部分时间都在路上, 他的妻子, 黛比(雷诺), 1980年护理专业毕业生, 还有这对夫妇的孩子, Stefan和Jennifer, 让阿罗哈的家庭大火熊熊燃烧, 矿石.


A faithful servant of God, 加里·帕特森 has always answered the call to where he is needed most.  在他45年的牧师生涯中, 他曾带领会众, 曾担任教堂和医疗保健管理员, 甚至还办了一个夏令营.

加里是一位著名的领导者,这不仅是因为他的服务范围, 也因为他鼓舞人心的领导风格. "Gary has always been a leader fully alive," says one of his former colleagues.  "He has combined a natural zest for life and high energy with excellent 沟通 skills throughout his distinguished career."

Gary曾担任过两次会议的主席, 佐治亚州坎伯兰和宾夕法尼亚州, 以及两个大会职位, first as an administrative assistant to the president of the North American Division, 然后是战地总秘书. In this role, Gary was joined by 他的妻子, Rae, in traveling extensively to promote world mission.

他于1998年从总会大会退休, but was called by Adventist 健康 System in Florida to serve as a vice-president in the 首页。 健康 Division.  2003年,他第二次从Adventist 健康退休, the health system asked Gary to develop a chaplain education program sponsored jointly by Andrews University and Florida Hospital. 近年来, Gary has traveled to Adventist campuses recruiting potential students.

对校园或青年事工并不陌生, Gary has served as pastor of the campus churches of 沃拉沃拉大学 and Southern Adventist University. 他也是上哥伦比亚会议的青年主任.

现在已经退休的加里和雷最近完成了一本牧师手册的编写. 这对夫妇的大本营在弗吉尼亚州, 他们住在离女儿近的地方, 辛西娅, 还有她的家人. 儿子杰夫继承了父亲的衣钵,在亚特兰大担任牧师.